Camilla & Brodie's Sunset Beach Engagement Portraits at Gull Rock

Camilla & Brodie's Sunset Beach Engagement Portraits at Gull Rock

When we checked the weather the day before, and saw a forecast for wind and rain, Camilla and I still had a feeling that this engagement session would be beautiful. And boy was it beautiful! With storm clouds looming on the horizon, a slight sprinkle of rain and strong gusty sea breezes we decided to brave the beautiful beach near Gull Rock.

With the sun glowing through the clouds, Camilla’s gorgeous flower crown, and an evening full of cuddles, we captured some gorgeous memories. Just 6 months until their wedding day, what perfect timing. xx


Photography: Sarah - Little Car Photography
Location: Gull Rock, Maslins Beach, SA
Flower Crown: Bella in Bloom